US concerned over illegal Detentions and Restrictions in Occupied Kashmir

The Chief US diplomat for South Asian Affairs, Alice Wells, has expressed concern over continued detentions and internet-shutdown in occupied Kashmir.

Alice Wells, the top US diplomat for South Asia, is due to undertake a visit to New Delhi for bilateral talks.

Wells, in a tweet on the US State Department’s Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs official Twitter account, said, “Closely following US ambassador to India and other foreign diplomats’ recent trip to Jammu & Kashmir. Important step.”

“We remain concerned by detention of political leaders and residents, and Internet restrictions,” the tweet continued. “We look forward to a return to normalcy.”

Today is the 162nd day of communication blackout in the occupied valley.

Wells was referring to the Indian government-organised two-day trip to the occupied region last week. Juster was part of a group comprising foreign diplomats. The group met with select political representatives and civil society members, and top Indian military brass.

Al Jazeera reported that diplomats from the European Union countries backed out of the trip as they wanted to reach out to their contacts on ground and visit areas that weren’t in the Indian government-prepared itinerary which was organised by the Indian ministries of External Affairs, Home Affairs and Defence.