Punjab becomes polio free province of Pakistan

Punjab has become polio-free after all environmental samples collected from the sewerage water for poliovirus from different cities tested negative.

The environmental samples for poliovirus have tested negative in Punjab that had been collected from the sewerage water from different cities including the provincial capital Lahore.

Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar said that it is a big achievement of the provincial government following the blessing of Allah Almighty and a positive outcome of teamwork. He said the efforts of the provincial health department and anti-polio teams are commendable.

The chief minister vowed that the anti-polio vaccination campaign will be continued to immunise the children to prevent the new generation from the life-threatening disease.

CM Usman Buzdar said that anti-polio vaccination is necessary to prevent our children from disabilities. He added that the children in Punjab are being administered anti-polio drops alongside the vaccination of measles and rubella.