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Good News on Economic front for Pakistan

Good news for Pakistan on economic front after suffering from economic crisis as Pakistan has climbed 28 ranks on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index 2020 to gain 108th position.

Previously Pakistan was ranked at 136 by World Bank in Easy Of Doing Business (EODB) ranking. Now after implementing structural and economic reforms Pakistan has improved it’s ranking 28 points, from 136 to 108.

Pakistan has been included in top ten improvers by World Bank.

Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Togo, Bahrain, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, China, India, and Nigeria are the countries who brought notable reforms in Easy of doing business.

WB report said that Pakistan made starting a business easier by expanding procedures available through the online one-stop shop in both Sindh and Punjab. Furthermore, abolished the Labor Department registration fee in Punjab.

Pakistan made it possible getting electricity easier by enforcing service delivery time frames also increased the transparency of electricity tariff changes. Pakistan, by introducing online payment modules, made it easier to pay taxes.

By enhancing integration of various agencies in Web-Based One Customs (WEBOC) electronic system Pakistan made trading across borders easier. Furthermore, obtaining a construction permit easier and faster by streamlining the approval process.

Pakistan also made property registration faster by making it easier to execute and register a deed at the Office of the Sub-Registrar.

On the measure of absolute progress towards best practices, Pakistan has improved the score to 61 from previous 52.8 points

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