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“We still have a positive image regarding Pakistan” Priyantha Diyawadana’s Brother

Kamala Shri Shanta Kumar, brother of Priyantha Diyawadana who was tortured to death in a Sialkot factory, Saturday said that he was satisfied with the progress made in the murder case.

The brother said that Prime Minister Imran Khan is conducting investigations seriously and appealed to the government of Pakistan to look after the children of his brother.

“My brother last came to Sri Lanka in 2019 and used to talk to the mother every week,” he said adding they have not yet informed the mother regarding the incident while his wife was also in a state of shock.

Kamala Shri Shanta Kumar said that his brother used to laud Pakistan and had never complained regarding anything. “One of my brothers still work in a factory in Karachi and is currently in the city,” he said adding that even he used to work in a factory in Faisalabad.

He shared that body of Priyantha Diyawadana would reach Sri Lanka by Monday and would be received by the family on Tuesday to perform final rites.

The brother said that they like Pakistan and such incidents could happen anywhere. “We still have a positive image regarding Pakistan,” he said and urged the authorities to take measures that could ensure that such incidents would never occur.

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