Police & Secret agencies exposed RAW network in Karachi

The officials of the police department and sensitive agencies have unearthed a secret cyber network of the Indian prime intel agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in Karachi.

The investigators have found important clues from the computer of an arrested suspect, Sufyan Naqvi, who had been arrested from the Rizvia area of Karachi. A joint investigation was being conducted by a team of police and sensitive agencies.

According to the investigators, Sufyan Naqvi had been hired as a project coordinator in the Maldives and tasked to continue his job online while staying in Pakistan.

Naqvi’s job description had been finalised by an Indian handler via a contact number of the United Kingdom (UK).

RAW cyber network, Karachi, sufyan naqvi, investigators
The woman handler had offered Rs30,000 to Rs50,000 monthly salary to Sufyan Naqvi besides providing hatred content against Pakistan Army and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

The suspect had also been instructed to remain in contact with some anti-Pakistan elements and directed to use different apps for hiding his identity.

The investigation officials said that RAW has focused to target educated youth in Pakistan by offering online jobs. They added that recommendations will be forwarded to the higher authorities for constituting a joint investigation team (JIT) to interrogate the suspect.

RAW cyber network, Karachi, sufyan naqvi, investigators
The investigators claimed to collect key evidence from Naqvi’s computer and mobile phone that had been sent to authorities concerned for forensic examination. They said that Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) assistance will also be sought in the ongoing investigation.

Moreover, the officials of police and sensitive agencies expedited efforts to trace other elements linked with the secret cyber network of RAW.