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Changan Pakistan increases prices of all car variants

hangan Pakistan has increased prices of all their car variants as the company follows in the footsteps of other car manufacturers.

The prices have been increased by up to Rs275,000 and the company has cited increasing shipment cost due to container shortage as a major reason. “The freight charges have gone up,” the company said.

The new prices have already taken effect.

This is the second price increase announcement from Changan Motors this year. The company increased the prices of Alsvin variants by Rs120,000 in August but had to withdraw the decision after government intervention.

However, car prices in Pakistan witnessed a new wave of hike in November and almost all automakers announced the revised prices in wake of rising shipping costs and depreciating value of the rupee.

Changan Alsvin

The prices of Changan Alsvin 1.3L M/T Comfort, Alsvin 1.5L DCT Comfort and Alsvin 1.5L DCT Lumiere have gone up by Rs275,000. These variants will now be selling for Rs2.42 million, Rs2.67 million and Rs2.86 million, respectively.

Alsvin is the most popular model from Changan in Pakistan

Changan Karvaan

The prices of Changaan Karvaan MPV and Karvaan MPV Plus have gone up by Rs275,000 each. The new prices of both variants are Rs1.67 million and Rs1.81 million respectively.

Changan M9 Loader Pickup has seen a price hike of Rs275,000 and will now cost Rs1.50 million.

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