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Chinese Ambassador rejects US statement about CPEC

Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing rejected US Statement about CPEC and said that Pakistan-China relations have been based on win-win cooperation and are mutually beneficial for both nations.

While rejecting U.S. Acting Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Alice Wells’ statement about the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Chinese Envoy said that Pakistan-China relations have been based on win-win cooperation and are mutually beneficial for both nations.

He expressed astonishment over Alice Wells’ statement of higher tariff in power plants, established under the corridor, while addressing the 5th CPEC Media Forum in Islamabad.

The ambassador questioned,”In 2013, when the Chinese companies were establishing power plants in Pakistan, where was the U.S.? Why the U.S. had not invested in Pakistan’s power sector despite knowing that Pakistan was in dire need of electricity?”

He further said,”China has always come forward to assist Pakistan in need without any political or government differences. If Pakistan is in need, China will never ask it to repay its loans in time, whereas, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which is mainly governed by the West is strict in its repayment system.”

Ambassador Yao said,”China would provide industrial cooperation to Pakistan and for this purpose over two dozen leading Chinese and Pakistani manufacturers and industrialists were engaged to boost production and exports of Pakistan under CPEC.”

Chinese Envoy’s statement came as the U.S. on Thursday warned Islamabad against China’s ambitious China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, claiming that it would push the country deeper into an already stifling debt burden, foster corruption and repatriate jobs and profits to China.

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