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Indians stage massive protest outside Indian embassy in Washington over Citizenship Amendment Act

A large number of Indian nationals gathered outside their embassy in Washington and hold a protest demonstration against the contentious Citizenship Amendment Act.

The demonstrators were holding placards and banners inscribed with anti-government slogans and against the controversial bill. The protesters were of the view that their prime minister Narendra Modi was splitting the Indian nation and added that his agenda was against the constitution. They said that Modi-led Indian government was defaming the country across the globe.

The demonstrators were demanding of the New Delhi’s government to withdraw the contentious act immediately.

Earlier on December 20, as a crowd of protesters swelled around them under the watchful eyes of dozens of policemen in riot gear, a cluster of young female students in burqas had stood outside their university in New Delhi shouting anti-government slogans.

“What is happening in the country is wrong,” Shabana, a 21-year-old student at Jamia Millia Islamia University, had said through the veil covering her face. Jamia Millia is a major public university in the capital where a large number of Muslims study. “They can’t suppress our voices.”

Shabana had said she had been moved to act after some of her friends had been injured when police stormed the Jamia campus to break up a protest involving hundreds of students last weekend.

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