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Prime Minister Imran Khan vows not to become a part of any Conflict

Prime Minister Imran Khan says Pakistan’s tourism sector saw a boom as a result of the country’s decision to only partner with peace and not become part of any conflict.

Speaking at Pakistan Strategy Dialogue in Davos, he said the country bore the brunt of the Soviet Union leaving Afghanistan as a culture of Kalashnikovs and drugs that were used to bankroll the war damaged societal fabric.

Imran Khan said the war on terror left 70,000 people dead as Pakistan was considered one of the most dangerous places in the world.

“Therefore, when my government came into power we made a decision to only partner with people in peace. We decided not to become part of any conflict,” the premier unequivocally stated.

He said his is the first government that disarmed militants, adding as a result, Pakistan’s tourism sector saw a boom.

“We are one of the most tourism friendly countries and all this potential was untapped, especially the mountain areas,” the prime minister said. “We believe Pakistan can collect a lot of revenue from tourism.”

PM Imran Khan also said Pakistan has played its part in trying to avert the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

He said the country is also actively participating to facilitate the Afghan peace process. He added there is a chance of ceasefire in Afghanistan which will help us reach the Central Asian countries through the economic corridor.

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