Pakistani airlines are likely to resume flights to the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) after clearing safety audit of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

It was learnt that Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) contacted European Commission to lift the ban on flights from Pakistan after the clearance of the ICAO safety audit.

According to the PCAA spokesperson, the authority is now seeking resumption of flight operations of Pakistan-registered airlines and aircraft in Europe and the UK after addressing the ICAO’s safety concerns.

It is expected that the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) civil aviation authorities will grant fast-track permission to the Pakistani airlines for resuming the flight operations.

The PCAA also completed preparations for organising the examination of pilots under a UK-like licencing system in the last week of March.

The licence issuance process of pilots will be started after the organisation of examination, the spokesperson added.